dowa district造句
- It is the administrative capital of Dowa District.
- Some 800 asylum seekers had been confined to Dzaleka camp in Malawi's central Dowa district, according to an official spokesperson.
- He studied teaching again at Domasi Teacher Training College until 1959 . After that he taught at the Kongwe Presbyterian mission school in Dowa District.
- At least 4, 000 people left four villages in the central Dowa district to seek refuge at a community hall at the district headquarters in order to escape the beast.
- Mponela lies at 1, 200 m in the Dowa District in the Central Region of Malawi, 60 km north of Lilongwe, with a population of 9, 846 ( 1998; estimate 2006 : 13, 212 ).
- A malawian born in 1979 and author of 37 published poems, Dalitso Baloyi has worked with Medecines sans Fronieres-Greece in Dowa district ( central Malawi ) and contributed alot to encouraging young people to go for HIV tesing.
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